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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Here's the easy one

I had some down time while on my mini vacation. After a nap, I put on some music and created. My sweetie and I went out on a lake in the Metropark. Everywhere we went during the day we were rained on. I think that the intensity and volume of rain upgraded from cats and dogs to Klingons and Romulans. We were soaked. But around 5:30 the sky cleared up and the front passed leaving it a skosh cooler and very pleasant. There was not enough wind to take out the sail boat.

We went out to the metropark and rented a kayak. I've never been in a kayak. And it is a lot different from being in a canoe, which I can power like a warp coil in a Constellation class ship. The lake was beautiful. Surrounded by lush greenery as wild as anything around Lake Leelanau, fish jumped, birds quarreled and the clouds parted to let a golden setting sun shine on us with a cooling breeze. We were out for a while but it felt like only 5 minutes. Very relaxing and peaceful, I almost pouted in an attempt to wheedle another half hour out of him. He probably would have let me. We had a great conversation and plenty of time to soak up the atmosphere in silence.

Like all good things though, the evening ended too soon. So I have a momento: green facets reflecting the shimmering reflection of the greens on the water and fire polished facets for the setting sun with a speckling of purple for the odd bit of cockscomb that showed up on our walk.

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