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Monday, July 12, 2010

Do it for the Muse

Spending some time with a special friend so there isn't much to tell you. You can expect a full report on what PCOS is. I know this is a geek blog and there are things that constitute TMI. But the thing is, this is a creative geek's blog. And there are a lot of characteristics inherent to geeks that make us look crazy to outsiders and ourselves, though I think that we are in control enough not to slice our ears off, that may make it harder to recognise so real health issues.

The highlight for me was that Doctor Mike called me giddy. While I was in the office, I tlaked at comedic pace and hit some of the high notes in the make the best of a bad situation file. He took that as giddy, especially since I had high blood pressure while I was there. Yeah, its all over the place. So giddy looks like Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy in a spotlight of your own creating. And a person can be like this for days on end. I guess I hit a point where I am like that 90% of the time. So when the giddy wears off and I am normal it seems like I am depressed/angry/homicidal and in desperate need of any drug that will make me more tolerable. Do you know a woman like that? It is her hormones and it isn't funny.

Keep an eye on your creative friends. I think that the part of us that taps into creative energy is extremely fragile when bombarded with all the bio-chems in the brain. You'll notice the weird thing in your creative friends before they notice it in themselves. And I have to say, I wish someone could have put this together for me sooner. Oh yeah.... if I weren't biased against doctors because they aren't Leonard McCoy then I would have been diagnosed sooner. But as it is... I'm also a bit of a bohemian and truly live 100% in the moment and the energy. Even if that energy is negative. Undoubtedly that is a characteristic you've noticed in your creative friends. So keep and eye on them. And if your females creative friends have some issues with sporadic and painful periods then get them to their doctors!

Hey you creative people! VanGough was a genius and we all wish that we could generate work that will out live us like he did. But we all know his story and none of us really wants to live the way he did. None of us wants to die the way that he did either. So if you notice that there is painful periods, sporadic or non-existant, and you seem to have a couple people living in your head with you that you know are you and don't belong there... like they have partially crossed into our Universe from a couple other ones.... GET TO YOUR DOCTOR! GET TO YOUR FRIENDS' DOCTOR! USE AND EMH! BUT GO!!!!!!

I have seriously messed up a lot of things with this weird behavior, thinking that it is just the way weirdly creative people are and not doing anything about it. It has gone so far that there are serious consequences for me now when I get depressed for very good reasons. I tend to want to punish myself for other people's mistakes. And that can have drastic consequences. It is your hormones. You aren't really crazy. You aren't paranoid for no good reason. You are not healthy. And if you aren't healthy when you are being creative you are not producing good work... it isn't going to be the best that you can do. If you won't do it for you... do it for the Muse.

Sermon over. Please resume your regularly shedule Monday while I go relax in a lavendar hot tub.

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