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Monday, February 20, 2012

I am the first to admit that for a geek, I am quite a luddite. I do not know how all of this electronic stuff works. I do not know how all of the Internet stuff works. But damn!!!!!!! I am constantly amazed at the goings on over at my dashboard. [the dashboard is the navigational tool blogger gives us to manage these here blog thingys. I'd prefer helm control. But that is just cause I am a Trekkie]

I track my stats. For a long time I thought that my friend ACG was the only one who was reading this thing. And in the darker days I would feel like giving up because no one was reading. I write primarily for me so that is just me being petulant. And I am so glad that I started tracking that. It lets me know where I am being read, what is being read and where the interesting posts are getting the readers who comment.

Now I have to wonder how the hell I have attracted teh attention of a Russian site for prostitution. Yeah. My record skipped too. I know a well rounded human being has to have a multitude of interests to be well rounded. And I know that it is silly to think that all those girls do with their lives is work. I don't work ALL THE TIME. But still. How does this blog seem interesting to people who pay for a hook up?

Not a criticism by any means. It's just something that always amazes me. Of the ten or 15 referring sites, 5 I know are SEOs that don't mean anything. But it is the other sites that make the most interesting reading. I guess that just goes to show that you can't even begin to fathom how divers the people of this planet really are. It is an amazing place. And we are amazing creatures.

And it makes me sad to think that we have spent so much time and enery hating each other instead of appreciating each other. I know. I couldn't be more of a Pollyanna if I tried. But that is because the sun is shining in my hometown today and I slept till noon thirty. Granted, I stayed up til 2 am watching a Tyrone Power movie on Turner Classics. But still, I slept very soundly and I am in a very good mood.
So I can spare some of that Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy.

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