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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Weekend Update

The plan for this weekend was to just chill. The parents were gone. I had the weekend off of work. So the boyfriend cooked. Saturday I had a work meeting and he took my car apart to find the source of a discomfiting vibration. And then the rest of the weekend was ours to be chill.

Saturday was a marathon of favorite shows on History. With Ham, cheesy potatoes and some of the best fresh green beans ever. I spent most of the day watching geese and ducks flock toward shore where ever the ice was broken enough for the water to move. I got to read a little of Odd Thomas. And generally watched him sleep his cares away on the couch.

Sunday I had my traditional "Oh so you're having a cycle" migraine. I slept through most of it while he indulged in some geekdom. I slipped in and out of ST:OS episode "A Piece of the Action" but missed all of Vic Tayback's scenes. A little lamb with roast carrots and turnips, a roasted cauliflower and then pineapple upside down cake (made with real pineapple) and I was right as rain in no time. Well.... time enough to catch the buzz episode of Game of Thrones in which Joffry dies.

Yay!!!!!!!! I can't stand that kid. Sadistic little prick.
And all too soon reality came crashing back.

But that was the best Easter in a while.
Just being ourselves with no pressure. No guilt. And all the geek we could muster.

Now post holiday weekend I know that the migraine was not caused by a period but a change in my body. It was the "I don't wanna throw up" headache. We've discovered that I can not eat out anymore. Today we tried a cheap lunch. And the stomach is rumbling with protest of some kind. I am certain that the kidney issues have progressed into something gastrointestinal and made me sensitive to all kinds of germs. Any time I eat something that either I or the boyfriend did not prepare there is a special kind of hell to follow.

Of course, the bundling of jangled nerves while I am trying to situate myself with my new position is a factor to consider. There is a higher amount of stress associated with the changes and all of it could be upsetting the status quo. All in all though, I think that the weekend to just chill and hang out was exactly what we both needed.

Today I spent the day with my head in a stack of magazines. More on that to come.

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